Indian Airforce Agniveer Vayu Admit Card 2023 available on, how to download

Indian Airforce Agniveer Vayu Admit Card 2023 has been released on the official website Registered candidates can check and download the same by following the steps mentioned below. Direct link to download IAF Agniveer Vayu Admit Card 2023 is also attached. Read More

Recession in US may be short-lived; Indian equities to give positive returns in 2023: Sujan Hajra of Anand Rathi

Investment theme and financials were in flavour during 2022 while consumption theme and globally oriented sectors did relatively badly. In the initial part of 2023, the same themes might continue, says Hajra. Read More

List of regiments in Indian Army

List of regiments in Indian Army The origins of the Regiments of Indian Army trace back to the colonial era under the British. The British needed to administer India and required locals to form a force under their command. They established Read More

List of regiments in Indian Army

List of regiments in Indian Army The origins of the Regiments of Indian Army trace back to the colonial era under the British. The British needed to administer India and required locals to form a force under their command. They established Read More

FEATURE-Hockey or health? World Cup sucks cash from poor Indian mining hub

Yet there have been recent protests in Odisha state – by villagers, charities and politicians – over the investment in hockey infrastructure using money set aside to boost local welfare, when communities are struggling with pollution, land degradation and water scarcity they say is caused by mining. And many people, like Beck, say that the… Continue reading FEATURE-Hockey or health? World Cup sucks cash from poor Indian mining hub

Constable Jobs in Indian Railways? RPF Issues Clarification on Fake Recruitment Notification for 19,800 Post

“A fictitious message is being circulated on social media and newspapers regarding recruitment for 19,800 posts of Constable in Railway Protection Force (RPF). It is hereby informed that no such notification has been issued by RPF or the Ministry of Railways on their official websites or through any print or electronic media,” said the Railways… Continue reading Constable Jobs in Indian Railways? RPF Issues Clarification on Fake Recruitment Notification for 19,800 Post