Indian Economy at Glance

When we talk about the diversified economy, we come up with examples of nations that have seen various ups and downs in their economies giving them knowledge about how to change threats into opportunities. India, a nation with a population of Read More

NMIMS Admission: School of Performing Arts will be closing registration for BA Indian, Western Music Soon

NMIMS Admission 2023: The Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies(NMIMS) School of Performing arts has released the admissions for BA Indian Music and BA western Contemporary music programmes. The deadline to apply for BA Indian Music and BA Western Music is Read More

Indian Creek Middle teacher earns grant from McDonald’s

MINGO JUNCTION — Representatives of McDonald’s surprised one Indian Creek Middle School teacher with a $500 Make Activities Count Grant for Teachers award which will highlight students who show positive character traits. Shawna Grimm, McDonald’s director of operations, and Josh Barnett, chief strategy officer, representing franchisee Tomtreyco Inc., of Uniontown, Ohio, presented a check to… Continue reading Indian Creek Middle teacher earns grant from McDonald’s

Indian women wrestlers call out WFI over sexual harassment, lack of legal redressal mechanisms a concern

“Gender equality includes protection from sexual harassment and right to work with dignity, which is a universally recognised basic human right” Supreme Court of India, Vishakha guidelines The #metoo wave had hit India in the year 2018, with women from myriad sectors and industries coming forward with their stories of workplace harassment endured by them.…… Continue reading Indian women wrestlers call out WFI over sexual harassment, lack of legal redressal mechanisms a concern