From Corruption to Casteism, Learn the Challenges of Democracy With #ClasseswithNews18

Democracy is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, but is democracy the best way to run a country? Let us know the challenges faced in democracy in Classes With News18 Read More

Indonesia Bans Adultery, Live-in Relationships, What Law in India States? Learn at #ClassesWithNews18

Indonesia’s new criminal code ushers in a raft of new laws, including banning sex outside of marriage. The amended code says sex outside marriage is punishable by a year in jail and cohabitation by six months, but adultery charges must be based on police reports lodged by a spouse, parents or children Read More

Domestic Violence to Sexual Harassment at Workplace, Know How Constitution Guarantees Protection of Women’s Rights in #ClassesWithNews18

The Constitution has laws that safeguard women’s rights, such as right to equality, no gender-based discrimination in jobs, adequate means of livelihood, equal pay for equal work, just and humane working conditions, maternity leave among others Read More