Stunning new acquisition for ever-expanding Icelandic hotel operator

Legendary Hotels and Resorts unveil plans for 50-room hotel, set in a stunning Portuguese National Park REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Dec. 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Acclaimed Icelandic hotel operator, Legendary Hotels and Resorts, are delighted to announce their latest international acquisition – a large, 50-room hotel, situated in a truly picturesque location, within a stunning Portuguese National Park.… Continue reading Stunning new acquisition for ever-expanding Icelandic hotel operator

How Can Indians Get An OCI Card & What Are The Eligibility Criteria & Benefits?

Citizens who lived outside India initially had the choice to apply for OCI card, which acted as long-term identity and travelling documents in place of an Indian visa. Here’s everything about the OCI card and a detailed guide to the OCI process like where to apply, how to apply, and eligibility and benefits of the… Continue reading How Can Indians Get An OCI Card & What Are The Eligibility Criteria & Benefits?

An Estonian-American lawyer wants to help Estonians with US immigration

Henry Lindpere is an Estonian-American lawyer whose mission is to help Estonians immigrate to the United States – he believes there are many Estonian startups that could enter the US market, but they’d need help with US visas, and he could make it easier for Estonians to make the legal journey to the New World.… Continue reading An Estonian-American lawyer wants to help Estonians with US immigration

Migration numbers are not as bad as they look

Last Thursday’s huge 504,000 net migration figure is another blow to the Government’s standing on a subject which they ought to own. And to make matters worse for the Tories, though not the country, Labour is sounding more sensible on immigration than it has for years. Many commentators (including Matthew Goodwin in these pages) are… Continue reading Migration numbers are not as bad as they look